LISTEN TO THIS | Fun in the Sun

I’m a podcast junkie, and LISTEN TO THIS is a quick recommendation of an recent episode that I can’t quick thinking and talking about. Good Job Brain Episode #68 Fun in the Sun

GOOD JOB BRAIN | Episode #68 Fun In the Sun

This episode stands out because of three amazing business stories:

  • The brilliant marketing of Jaws in 1975 which began the summer blockbuster movie strategy. Starts at 21:25. BONUS: origin of the meaning of the word blockbuster.
  • The birth of the Slurpee which is really just a white label of Icee. BONUS: how new flavors get introduced in a way that overcomes resistance to change. Starts at 27:30.
  • How the Slip ’N Slide was invented. Starts at 36:20.

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