
Five Star Ratings

Is giving a rating on Uber or AirBnB different than a normal customer survey? On these sites your ratings can make a big difference on someone's livelihood and they also rate you. So over time, your poor ratings could begin to reflect negatively on you.

On a recent episode of the podcast Question of the Day, they tackle this issue with quest host Brian Koppelman. Check it out: 97. What If Your Uber Driver Is Less Than ‘Uber’?


Recently finished Lee Child's first Jack Reacher book, Killing Floor, and was struck by this excellent bit of management advice:

Evaluate. Long experience had taught me to evaluate and assess. When the unexpected gets dumped on you, don’t waste time. Don’t figure out how or why it happened. Don’t recriminate. Don’t figure out whose fault it is. Don’t work out how to avoid the same mistake next time. All of that you do later. If you survive. First of all you evaluate. Analyze the situation. Identify the downside. Assess the upside. Plan accordingly. Do all that and you give yourself a better chance of getting through to the other stuff later.
— Jack Reacher