Making others Immortal

I just read the obituary for Studs Terkel in the Economist. What an amazing example of a man who walked his talk. His words, "I want people to talk to one another no matter what their difference of opinion might be." His actions were over 45 years of listening in a way that got people to open up and share their story in a meaningful way.

Studs Terkel
not only actively listened, he believed truth came from open debate.

"That's what we're missing. We're missing argument. We're missing debate. We're missing colloquy. We're missing all sorts of things. Instead, we're accepting."

But what was most impressive about his life time of story sharing was his ability to shine the spot light on others. The story wasn't about him, it was about his interview. His life is a reminder to us all to listen intently, debate with vigor, and give others the attention they deserve. And what an awesome name.